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Brokerage services

Tech Transaction Brokerage Service Offerings:



Per Month

Basic Access Package to the Tech Transaction Platform



Per Month

Basic Access Package to the Tech Transaction Platform

Technology Scouting & Sourcing Tools

Other Features

Standard Packages Include

What's Included

The opportunity to become discovered by buyers of innovations and solutions through your company profile and the Tech Accelerator.


Access to “Challenges” and “Needs” from buyers of technology including both private companies and government agencies.


Access to current SBIR/STTR, grant and government contract opportunities.


Access to historical data on previously awarded opportunities.


Access to information on investors, government and university labs.


Marketplace access to find potential partners or competitors in your industry.

Access to the Tech Accelerator.


Free monthly hosted Synopses on the Tech Accelerator (up to five) and promotion on the Exchange’s newsletter (requires one-time synopsis uploading fee).


Access to other companies in the Tech Transaction brokerage.


Access to educational seminars throughout the year – Intellectual property and experts in different fields.


An option to create Automated Notifications to be sent to your e-mail with new opportunities based on your technology search criteria.


Additional Hosted Synopses (First 5 are free) can be accommodated at $5/month/synopsis.

Additional Services Offered

Additional Services

Synopsis Uploading

$50 (One time fee/Synopsis)

Synopses you have created and other technical papers/product sheets about your technology – approved by Tech Transaction Staff

  • ​Tech Transaction will review submissions to make sure they meet our quality standards and provide suggested changes as needed or return to submitter for revision.

  • Tech Transaction will charge an initial upload fee ($50) of the synopsis to the Tech Accelerator database.

  • Promotion on newsletter and to buyers when first uploaded.



$1,000 - $5,000

(One time fee/Synopsis)

Synopses Tech Transaction creates for you about your technology

  • Fee-based on volume of synopses and/or complexity of technology.

  • First-year of hosting is free.

  • Includes synopsis uploading fee, promotion of synopsis on newsletter and to buyers when first uploaded.

Sourced Report

$250 (Per report)

Covers potential customers, competitors, and partners

  • Tech Transaction will run a report using the Exchanges source tool to find either customers, competitors, or partners for clients.

  • Tech Transactions will return a brief report with the top ten candidates (as available).


9.5% of deal completed as a result​

  • Tech Transaction will create a sourced list of potential buyers and reach out to those buyers to try and broker a deal on behalf of the seller. 

  • If a deal is available, Tech Transaction will help close the deal to a reasonable extent and then hand it over to the seller for final negotiations/closing.

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