Tech Transaction connects Suppliers to Buyers of innovative products and solutions.
Startups, academia, entrepreneurs, companies and others who have created innovative products and solutions that are looking to become discovered and accelerate commercialization, sales and growth.
+ Showcase your innovations
+ Point of contact flexibility
+ Generate innovation synopses
Corporations, agencies, intermediaries and buyers who are searching for innovative products, services and expertise to help them solve the problems and challenges they face.
+ Find relevant innovations
+ Identify potential deals
+ Get supplier point of contact
Discover opportunities in Government Contracts, Grants, SBIR/STTR and in the private sector to accelerate revenue and growth.
Discover opportunities from DEFENSEWERX and their innovation hubs across the country.
Get matched to opportunities and have them sent to your email daily when a match is found.
Access our partner finder tool to form partnerships with companies to compete for contracts.
Explore over 2 million company profiles in our company marketplace to find potential customers in the private sector.
Get the intel and research you need to compete against your competitors.
Create a company profile highlighting your expertise, capabilities, products & services to become discovered by companies in the private sector & government buyers.
Access information from Universities and National Labs across the country to see what innovations they are interested in and working on.

We Make the Connections that Matter
Tech Transaction provides information on opportunities in the federal government contracting/procurement landscape. This includes information on federal contracts for bid, information on SBIR/STTR programs, government grants, and historical data on previously awarded government contracts. We provide this information on a platform that is easier and more efficient for users.
Tech Transaction gives access to information and historical data on investors and investor groups. We have successfully bridged the gap between buyers and creators of technology through our Technology Accelerator. We make it easier for buyers of technology to find the technologies they are looking to purchase or license while also giving a platform to innovators to showcase their creations.